Sunday, March 13, 2011


Today, I realized that I have THREE followers! O you kind, kind, souls! You honor me with your attentions. But now this places the burden of expectation upon my frail shoulders. Can I meet the challenges in store? I hope not to disappoint the three fine individuals who, I assume, depend on me for thought-provoking, erudite, and diverting conversation. This humble servant shall do her best.

In other news:

Google India wants you to know that today is the 80th anniversary of Alam Ara, the first Indian movie with sound

And...I'm in India!

Which underneath all that dirt and curry is actually a giant motherboard, in case y'all didn't know.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

truth or dare. lhs.

Me: "Ok, Haley, if you couldn't graduate and you had to spend another year as president, who would you kill?"

Haley: ".....Myself"

Us: lolololololololol

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Today I learned to play Magic and I am glad.

Raising my nerd quotient a little at a time.

Friday, January 7, 2011

My Dad is the funniest person I know. Lately, I've realized how much he has molded my wack sense of humor. I laugh at random and inappropriate things and now I know who to blame. Our conversations are golden moments in time in which I am often very confused or crying from laughter. I feel compelled to share.

Dad: Anju, I was at a nice party the other night and I saw a girl that looked like you. That is, she had a typical Indian shape and size just like you.

Me: That's because we are girls. Not because we are Indian.

Dad: Meaning, she had that typical Indian shape of hair and the same face and eyes.

Me: Again, those are human traits. There is nothing Indian about having eyes and hair and a face.

Dad: Well she didn't look like Madhavi.

Me: You mean she didn't look like my also Indian little sister?

Dad: Whatever, my point is that she looked like you except for her mouth. She had a very familiar pout. Who did she look like...?

Me: Was it someone we know?

Dad: AH! It was that Miley Cyrus!

Me: o jeez

Dad: She was so familiar!!

Me: I can't believe you know what she looks like. You found out who Britney Spears is like a month ago.

Dad: You know how I know her? Her father!! He was on that TV show! The Oprah Winfrey of the Night?

Me: What?? What does that mean??

Dad: You know that man? On the TV? You know that David Letterman?

Me: Yes

Dad: You know he has that fierce competition with that other man! He is also on the TV!

Me: Jay Leno? You call him the Oprah of the Night?

Dad: AHA! Yes!

*Someone knocks at the door*

Dad: Uh Oh...Santa Claus is here eh?!

Me: ...

Sometimes, I don't know what to say.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Sometimes the internet surprises you.

Like with a cartoon of a business banana that looks just like your father.

A banana hiring a vagrant

Rajiv Nambiar


So why flip flops and robots?

Flip Flops:

Well friends, there was a time when my favorite thing to wear to school was a sweatshirt, pajama pants, and flip-flops AKA chanclas. This was in ninth grade before I found out that it's not okay to go to school everyday looking like you're ready for a slumber party emergency. I eventually grew out of that tragic outfit but the chanclas stayed. And whereas before my pajama pants would kind of flow and flare, obscuring my feet, my size 10 flip flops jutted out of the ends of my skinny jeans like clown shoes and made a shloop-shloop sound when I walked down the hall. My friends thought this was hilarious, rightly so, and told me I had indian peasant feet, HEB feet, and pulga feet. But it was totally worth it because I loved my chanclas. They were comfy and durable and let my toes hang free in the air, unconfined by the dark spaces of real people shoes.

When I left home to go to college, I realized that these too had to be left behind with the awkwardness that was high school Anjali. And then I discovered the glory that is boots my freshman year and there was really no going back. But I will always remember my chanclas fondly and I still wear flip flops as often as I can in the summer months. sighhhhhh


Because they are awesome.