Monday, December 27, 2010

Sometimes the internet surprises you.

Like with a cartoon of a business banana that looks just like your father.

A banana hiring a vagrant

Rajiv Nambiar


So why flip flops and robots?

Flip Flops:

Well friends, there was a time when my favorite thing to wear to school was a sweatshirt, pajama pants, and flip-flops AKA chanclas. This was in ninth grade before I found out that it's not okay to go to school everyday looking like you're ready for a slumber party emergency. I eventually grew out of that tragic outfit but the chanclas stayed. And whereas before my pajama pants would kind of flow and flare, obscuring my feet, my size 10 flip flops jutted out of the ends of my skinny jeans like clown shoes and made a shloop-shloop sound when I walked down the hall. My friends thought this was hilarious, rightly so, and told me I had indian peasant feet, HEB feet, and pulga feet. But it was totally worth it because I loved my chanclas. They were comfy and durable and let my toes hang free in the air, unconfined by the dark spaces of real people shoes.

When I left home to go to college, I realized that these too had to be left behind with the awkwardness that was high school Anjali. And then I discovered the glory that is boots my freshman year and there was really no going back. But I will always remember my chanclas fondly and I still wear flip flops as often as I can in the summer months. sighhhhhh


Because they are awesome.

Carry On My Wayward Sooooon

Whenever I have a good stretch of holiday, I like to pick a TV show that I obsessively watch all the episodes of. Last Christmas it was Buffy. Seven seasons in about a week. Yeahhh!! This break is Supernatural. I just finished watching five and a half seasons and I do not regret. But I am also concsiously stopping myself from calculating all the time I spent. Well, I am currently in love.

Supernatural is the story of two brothers, Sam and Dean, who travel around America fighting monsters that are actually based on some pretty legit lore. It's scary and bloody but it doesn't take itself too seriously and the characters are great. The third season gets pretty cool because they start introducing all this religious mythology in which Sam and Dean are the opposing vessels of Hell and Heaven and angels fight demons and I'm not going to spoil it for you but WATCH because it is GOOD. And I need more people to talk to about how great it is.

The other very compelling reason to watch this show is the sheer hottttness of the protagonists.


This is Sam.


and Dean

Double Swooooooon

I fell down the Wikipedia hole (you know when you start researching neurons for your bio homework and end up reading about the origins of the Easter Bunny two hours later) with Supernatural and turns out there's a whole sector of their fan base that supports the slash relationship known as Wincest. Well that's icky. But they do have an intensely codependent relationship.

My only two problems with the show are 1) everyone gets knocked unconscious all the time and realistically, half the people on the show shouldn't be able to pour milk for their cereal. Concussions are like deep fried twinkies. You can't have more than a couple without serious repercussions. 2) everyone calls everyone a "sonofabitch" and the insult kind of loses its potency after you've heard it for the millionth time and you're like "o rly him too?" Not sure you should use the same insult for the demon that killed your mom and the waiter who got your order wrong.

I spent the first three seasons thinking Dean was curiously short until I found out that Sam is 6 ft 5!! and makes everyone else look like a diminutive elf in comparison. Dean is actually a very respectable 6 ft. 1

Sunday, December 19, 2010

I think I haz cavity?

I am sickly again. With fever. And I blame it on my bad bad body because I think it takes pleasure in instigating mayhem in my life.

This is the body that tricked me into thinking I had a massive cavity during finals week because of course, I could totally use the extra hardship.

And I hate getting cavities because I always picture a little frontiersman with a cowboy hat trying to carve a homestead into my tooth with a shovel. I feel personally affronted of course because it's MY tooth and I can't just be giving out housing for little tooth people. But then I feel bad about begrudging him a home because it must be a hard-knocked life living in my mouth and he probably needs to provide for his little tooth family and then my toothache becomes mingled with guilt and it's just all sorts of unpleasant.

Welp, I drove 6 hours for an emergency dentist appointment because my mouth felt like the tooth people had upgraded to a jackhammer and this cavity seemed like a serious hole.

Dentist: So what's wrong?
Me: It hurts
Dentist: What kind of pain?
Me: A bad pain?
Dentist: Like a throbbing pain or a sharp pain?
Me: ....both? Yeah, definitely both. Maybe. I'm not sure. It just hurts all the time and I'm afraid my tooth's going to fall out.
Dentist: Well, they're just fine
Me: Oh...

So ultimately, I ended up in a dentist chair, unshowered and gross from my travels, to find that my body had played me like a sucker. I also probably looked very homeless and crazy to my poor dentist as I told him all about the horrible phantom pain in my perfectly healthy teeth.

O body, you deceived me. You already don't let me fly or kick demon butt like Buffy. All I ask is that you don't lie like a treacherous whore and screw up normal things. Like my teeth. Plz and Thx.